The West Plains High School second annual Luna Ball was a huge success, taking place on January 27, 2024 at WPHS. Students from all classes attended, along with some from other schools around Amarillo. The Luna Ball King and Queen for the 2023-2024 school year were crowned and the class favorites were recognized, starting the second semester off in a positive way!
The 2024 Luna Ball was led by Madison Jones and Jordan Jackson, this year’s underclassman sponsors. Alongside all the volunteer parents, the annual dance was a big hit! “It was a huge team effort with a lot of time and planning that went into the evening,” said Jones. “I was excited to learn from all of them because of their experiences planning Luna Ball last year, and look forward to planning more dances and fun things like this in the future for WPHS!”
Shortly after the dance started, the class favorites, Alpha King, and Luna Queen were announced. Congratulations to this year’s Alpha King, Duke Blazer and Luna Queen, Bella Hawley and all the elected class favorites! “It was so amazing to be voted class favorite! I was not expecting to win, at all,” said sophomore class favorite Elliot Jackson. “It put the biggest smile on my face for the whole night!”
The decorations were beautiful and changed the school cafeteria extraordinarily, giving the room an ethereal feeling. White streamers hung from the ceiling, draping over the room and white tablecloths covered the tables. To enter the room, guests had to pass through the doors next to the stairs, which were enclosed with crisp, white curtains. Between the cafeteria and the commons, a photoshoot was set up to immortalize the night. All of which lent a truly magical, celebratory feeling to the night. “My favorite part of the Luna ball was taking pictures by the staircase with the beautiful, white backdrop,” said Luna Ball Queen Bella Hawley.
Many thanks to the entire West Plains community and teachers that made the Luna Ball possible! The unique West Plains community is incredible for such a young school. “In just two short years, our school has cultivated a culture of supporting those around us to be the best place we can be,” said Jones. “It is something very special to be a part of!”
The Luna Ball this year was very successful, and West Plains can only expect more from the future. “My advice for incoming underclassmen would be to talk to lots of new people, compliment others, and try to smile a lot,” said Elliot Jackson. “Not everyday at school is going to be the best day, but you can make someone else’s day better by just being friendly!” Go Wolves!