On Jan. 15, 2024 the Wolfpack Community hosted its first ever Genius Hour session. The new Genius Hour project is an existing idea brought forward by the school’s principal, Eric Gomez. Genius hour is a designated time built into each Friday that allows students to explore creativity, interests, and clubs aside from regular classes.
Genius Hour’s purpose is to extend means of innovation for each student and teacher within West Plains High.
It was decided that Genius Hour would take place during PACK period every Friday for five weeks throughout the six week grading period. Students would attend their chosen activity among forty-seven different clubs. Each club would have a teacher who was assigned or decided to create a club of their own. Teachers would be in charge of leading these clubs, in order to guide students throughout their new creative journeys. “We believe that Genius Hour is affecting the Wolfpack Community in a positive way,” said Associate Principal, Randi Willard. “I’ve heard students talk about getting to know teachers that they didn’t even know worked at this campus.” Genius Hour sessions have a large variety in options, such as Model United Nations, App Design, Gilmore Girls: Team Dean, Jess, or Logan? With the endless amount of opportunities, all students get a chance to find a club that peaks their interest.
“I do think that genius hour is effective,” said junior Nia Induashvili. “Genius hour made me look forward to Fridays more.” The Wolfpack Community enjoys this new opportunity to grow out of their comfort zone and regular classes. Genius Hour sessions will pick up in April and continue until the end of the year.